Get a free NHS test to check if you have coronavirus

You can have a swab test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) now.

Who can get a free test

You can only get a free NHS test if at least one of the following applies:

  • you have a high temperature
  • you have a new, continuous cough
  • you’ve lost your sense of smell or taste or it’s changed
  • you’ve been asked to get a test by a local council
  • you’re taking part in a government pilot project
  • you’ve been asked to get a test to confirm a positive result

You can also get a test for someone you live with if they have symptoms.

If you’re going into hospital

You may need to get tested if you’re due to have surgery or a procedure.

The hospital will arrange this for you. Contact your hospital department if you have any questions. ​

Who cannot get a free test

You cannot use this service to get a test if:

  • you’ve come to the UK from a high-risk country
  • you’re planning to leave the country
  • your employer or school has asked you to get a test but you have no symptoms

You can pay for a private test.

When to get a test

If you have symptoms, get a test as soon as possible.

Book a visit to a test site to have the test today. Test sites are open 7 days a week. Order a home test kit if you cannot get to a test site.

England and Northern Ireland

You need to get the test done in the first 8 days of having symptoms.

On days 1 to 7, you can get tested at a site or at home. If you’re ordering a home test kit on day 7, do it by 3pm.

On day 8, you need to go to a test site - it’s too late to order a home test kit


You need to get the test done in the first 5 days of having symptoms. This allows you the best chance of preventing the spread of coronavirus to others. After 5 days you should still book a test if you have been advised to do so by a healthcare professional.

On days 1 to 4, you can get tested at a site or at home. If you’re ordering a home test kit on day 4, do it by 3pm.

On day 5, you need to go to a test site - it’s too late to order a home test kit.


You need to get the test done in the first 5 days of having symptoms.

On days 1 to 4, you can get tested at a site or at home. If you’re ordering a home test kit on day 4, do it by 3pm.

On day 5, you need to go to a test site - it’s too late to order a home test kit.

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